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Printing from the Apple Mail app

The best way to print email is to add your email (View) account inside Print n Share. Then you can easily view and print emails and attachments.

Print n Share can print Email from Apple's Mail app using copy and paste. This method will retain formatting and the look of the email.

Follow the steps below to print an email.
  1. View the email you want to print in Mail
  2. Tap and hold to highlight the text you want
  3. Move blue copy points to cover the section or page you want to print and tap "Copy"
  4. Open Print n Share and you should be prompted to print the copied text.
    If you are not asked to print, open the Clipboard screen, paste using the paste button, then tap to check the pasted page and print.

Note: If you want to print an attachment then simply tap and hold on the attachment and then tap "Open in" and choose Print n Share.

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