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PDF conversion from inside Safari/Photos and other Apps

Save2PDF takes advantage of the extensions capability build into iOS. This means you can use Save2PDF from within another app like Safari/Phots. Follow the steps below to enable Save2PDF to be used by other apps. The guide is for Safari but the same steps can also be used for most other apps.
  1. Open Safari and tap on the Action button in the top right of the screen (square with an arrow)
  2. Scroll the bottom line of action popup to the left until you see the "Edit actions..." button ("More" button for iOS 12)
  3. Tap on the "Edit actions" button and you will see Save2PDF listed
  4. Toggle the switch beside Save2PDF to on
  5. If you wish to change the order of the list as it appears in the action menu, simply use the drag bars on the right to move Save2PDF up or down the list.
  6. Tap on Done.

  7. You will now see Save2PDF as an option whenever you tap on the Action button (you may have to scroll down)

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